Sunday, December 04, 2005

aids- ready for a new culture in homes and society

aids (accuried immuno defficiency sindrom) becominga
night mare for the people of the world. in india 52
lakh people are suffering with aids in
which 20 lakhs are women and the no. of women is
incresing rapidly. mainly the cause of increasing no.
of hiv effected women on such a speed is the
illeteracy , wrong unproper knowledge about aids and
non-insistance to their husbands for using safeguards.
in india. a great no. of indian womenis still
practising the
great and ancient tradition of the role of an ideal
indian housewife only.they cant say a single word to
their husbands as the majority of husbands in india
behaves as dictators still today.the man do anything
outside the home, he can make girlfriends, acn make
unsocial and unsafe sexxual relations and get infected
and transmits these virus to their innocent wives who
believes them as god in indian society.
the another main reason is also in men section,
and that is the lack of knowledge about the aids and
also for the working husbands working in other cities
cant visit home and make sex contacts with the sex
workers and get infected.
i think that it is not a question to teach only
our daughters to be sure of protective safeguards and
defer on these issues with their husnands. but it is
the time to teach not only our girls married or
unmarried but as well as to the whole youth about the
changind scenario of the life by aids and the reason
of its trasmisson and the preventing measures and also
t0o motivate the youth for spreading this knowledge to
the other people also so that the mission of anti-aids
should get a success.
i think that we should teach our daughters or
girls about the aids in our society from class fifth
ownwards in schools of any type because a large no of
girls still today get married in small ages mostly
after tenth ar they are not allowded to do higher
studies which is the time for any young person to get
knowledge about aids and they didnt get it. if once
our daughters are teached they can protect themselves
as well as can insist to their husbands or partners
for using safeguards to remain away from STD or aids.i
think their nothing wrong to teach daughetrs about the
aids because it will protect our own daughters from
such a harmful disease whose way lets to only death
and sufferings. also if the daughters are teached they
can ask for HIV testing before marriage which can
prevent HIV transmission to the spouse up to a certain
level. However we must not forget basic ethics of
Marriage and of HIV Testing as Marriage is a question
of faith and committment. and by demanding HIV
testing, the princple of confidentiality will be
the majority of reasons for the transmission of
aids is unsafe sexual contacts as well as some other
reasons in which mostly the innocent people are
effected. Sex is not the somain , which is related to
any age, or class or some thing else. In India it is
unnecessary viewesd as something special about which
you are not suppose to talk. But this is one of the
reason that the HIV/AIDS has spread so much even in
the young generation i.e. 14 and above . If they are
given propoer education, it can be prevented.
Prevention is the only way out.
i think that the opening of western culture and
its views are now dominating the minds of the
childrens in the early ages and affecting them in the
field of premartial sex. to give the knowledge about
the sex to
the girls under 14 who didnt go to school we have to
make huge and time spending steps to reach them and
tell them about safer sex. we have to involve the
higher secondary and collegeus girls which can go
directly to the homes of the people and discuss the
matter with the girls of this age group. in remote
areas we have to make open rallies to open them from
the problem of not discussing this type of matters
openly. as if we are applying western culture in our
lives then we have to also apply their culture of open
mind and open discussion on any type of matter.
also the freedom from the parents and the
overconfidence upon the childrens by the parents also
leds to the wrong way. some time ago a report was
published according to the survey of the chandigarh
medical college and hospital in which they told
according to the survey done that 65% of the girls
studying in chandigarh has done premartial sex. the
era of premartial sex is increasing day by day among
the youth and the girls are equally involved in
itwhich is also leading a way to the increasing no of
STD (sexually transmit disease) which can leads to
aids.this situation is not only in chandigarh but in
all over india, the differnce is only that the
situation of chandigarh get time
pleasure leads their lifes towards the path of
death.if we teach and discuss openly with our
daughters as well as sons on the issue of sex and aids
we acn prevent them from the lifesucking disease.
i feel that age is not a criteria to decide
whether someone has to be informed about sex or not.
everyone has a right to be informed. the problem lies
with the fact that we do not have available resource
persons or well prepared modules to carry on the
message effectively at the same time efficiently to
the population.
i think , a good speaker must be able to carry
out the message irrespective of the crowd he is made
to face. definitely the communicator or the medium and
language used to communicate must be acceptable and
must be targeted to reach different age groups. i
would not trust any tom dick or harry to inform my
kids about sex. if that is allowed, sex education may
become a promoted adult movie show for both the young
and the old.
what is to be said, must be said how it should be said
and where and when it must be said. after all sex is
just an abbrevation for a Sacred EXpression of love
and effort must definitely be taken to promote its
growth softly and smoothly and yet as subtly as
possible and definitely not assure its end.also . Safe
sex behaviour should be promoted -be it girls or boys.
Its more important for girls, since even today the
level of awareness among them are comparatively low
and women seem to have less freedom exercising their
sexual rights ! It should be promoted in school and at
home by teachers, parents and informed peer alike.


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